Interreg IV

The Desire website was created in compliance with the directives laid down in the Stanca Law (Italian Law no. 4 of 9th January 2004) which governs the "provisions for promoting access to computer tools by the disabled". The whole design and relative implementation was consequently based on the use of only the most recent technologies in the field of accessibility and usability. 
The Desire website was designed to be fully updateable, providing the users responsible for updating with all the instructions to maintain the site accessible, if such instructions are not followed we cannot guarantee accessibility.

XHTML and CSS validation

The website was tested using W3C validators and was found to be CssValid and XHTML 1.0 Strict Valid.

Font size

Here below are some instructions on how to modify the font size on some of the most common browsers (the process is the same for the different versions):
1. Internet Explorer:

  • in the View select Text Size;
  • choose the required size from among the values shown.

2. Firefox:

  • in the View select Zoom;
  • choose Zoom In or Zoom Out, to increase or reduce the font compared to its current size.
Verification with different browsers

Compatibility of the website has been verified with the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer 6.0;
  • Internet Explorer 7.0;
  • Firefox 3.6;
  • Lynx (text browser).

It has been verified that the site can be used also having disabled the CSS, images and Java Script.

The 22 accessibility requirements of the Stanca Law

Requirement 1


Produce pages and objects in those pages using technologies defined by formal grammar published in the most recent available versions when these are supported by user programmes. Use elements and attributes in a manner which complies with the specifications, respecting the semantic appearance. In particular, for marker languages HTML (HypertText Markup Language) and XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language): for all new websites, use at least version 4.01 of HTML or preferably version 1.0 of XHTML, in any case with Strict DTD (Document Type Definition).
XHTML 1.0 with Strict DTD was used.

Requirement 2


The use of frames is not permitted.
Frames were not used.

Requirement 3


Provide an equivalent text alternative for each non-text object present in a page and guarantee that when the non-text contents of an object changes dynamically also the relative equivalent contents are updated; the equivalent text alternative of a non-text object must be commensurate to the function exercised by the original object in the specific context.
Text alternatives were provided for each non-text object in the website.

Requirement 4


Guarantee that all information elements and all functionalities are available even in the absence of the particular colour used to present them in the page.
The information elements and functionalities of the website are also available in the absence of a particular colour.

Requirement 5


Avoid flashing or moving objects and writing with an intermittent frequency which could cause photosensitive epileptic reactions or disturb concentration, or which may cause a malfunction in the assistive technologies used; if information requirements demand their use, warn the user of the possible risk prior to presenting them and arrange for methods which allow users to avoid such elements.
No flashing or moving objects or writing were used.

Requirement 6


Guarantee that information contents (foreground) and background are always distinguishable, using sufficient contrast (in the case of text) or different noise levels (in the case of speech with musical background); avoid presenting texts in image form; if this is not possible, use the same distinguishability criteria laid down above.
The colours used in the website were tested with ColorSelector by Fujitsu Limited for users with Cataracts, colour blindness (protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia), visual disturbances associated to colour. The colours used in the website are:

  • Black on a white background. The test highlighted that all subjects suffering from the aforementioned sight disturbances had no problems in viewing the black used in the website;
  • Purple on a white background. The test highlighted that all subjects suffering from the aforementioned sight disturbances had no problems in viewing the purple used in the website;

Two other tests were conducted to check that the foreground and background colour combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by users with colour perception deficits or when viewed by users using black and white screens.
The purple used for the website links on a white background showed:

  • Foreground: #800080 Background: #FFFFFF.
    The luminosity contrast ratio is: 9.4:1
    Text passed at level AA.
    Large text passed at level AA.
    Large text passed at level AAA.
  • Contrast (Minimum): The text (and images containing text) have a minimum luminosity contrast ratio of 9.4:1, unless the text is purely decorative. The larger text (at least 18pt or 14pt in bold) or images containing text can have a ratio of 3:1 (Level AA);
  • Contrast (Extended): The text (and images containing text) have a minimum luminosity contrast ratio of 10:1, unless the text is purely decorative. The larger text (at least 18pt or 14pt in bold) or images containing text can have a ratio of 5:1 (Level AAA);
  • Foreground: #800080 Background: #FFFFFF. Colour difference: 509/Luminosity difference: 203. The luminosity difference between the two colours is sufficient. The threshold value is 125, while the result of the background and foreground colour is 203. The colour difference is sufficient. The threshold value is 500, while the result of the background and foreground colour is 509.

The black used for the website text on a white background showed:

  • Foreground: #000000 Background: #FFFFFF.
    The luminosity contrast ratio is: 21.0:1
    Text passed at level AA.
    Text passed at level AAA.
    Large text passed at level AA.
    Large text passed at level AAA.
  • Contrast (Minimum): The text (and images containing text) have a minimum luminosity contrast ratio of 5:1, unless the text is purely decorative. The larger text (at least 18pt or 14pt in bold) or images containing text can have a ratio of 3:1 (Level AA);
  • Contrast (Extended): The text (and images containing text) have a minimum luminosity contrast ratio of 7:1, unless the text is purely decorative. The larger text (at least 18pt or 14pt in bold) or images containing text can have a ratio of 5:1 (Level AAA);
  • Foreground: #000000 Background: #FFFFFF. Colour difference: 765/Luminosity difference: 255. The luminosity difference between the two colours is sufficient. The threshold value is 125, while the result of the background and foreground colour is 255. The colour difference is sufficient. The threshold value is 500, while the result of the background and foreground colour is 765.
Requirement 7


Use sensitive image maps on client side rather than server side, unless the sensitive areas cannot be defined with one of the default geometric forms indicated in the adopted DTD.
No client-side type sensitive images were used.

Requirement 8


When using server-side image maps, provide links to alternative texts to obtain all information or services which can be reached by interacting directly with the map.
No server-side image maps were used.

Requirement 9


For data tables, use elements (markers) and attributes foreseen in the adopted DTD to describe contents and identify row and columns headings.
No data tables were used.

Requirement 10


For data tables, use elements (markers) and attributes foreseen in the adopted DTD to associate data cells and heading cells with two or more logic row or column heading logics.
No data tables were used.

Requirement 11


Use style sheets to check the content presentation and organise the pages so that they can be read even when the style sheets are disabled or not supported.
The website can be consulted even if the style sheets are disabled or not supported.

Requirement 12


The presentation and text contents of a page must be adaptable to the size of the browser window used by the user without overlapping the objects present or losing information which would make the contents incomprehensible, even when resizing, enlarging or reducing the viewing area or font compared to the default values.
The text contents of the website adapt to the size of the browser window used without overlapping objects or losing information.

Requirement 13


When using tables for layout purposes, guarantee that the contents of the table is comprehensible even when the table is read in a linear manner and use the elements and attributes of a table respecting the semantic value defined in the relative marker language specification.
Tables are used for layout purposes, the website was designed to assure these are comprehensible in linear reading.

Requirement 14


In the forms, explicitly associate labels to respective controls, positioning them in such as way as to facilitate the compilation of the fields by the users of assistive technologies.
Labels have been explicitly associated to their respective controls.

Requirement 15


Guarantee that the pages can be used when scripts, applets or other programming objects are disabled or not supported; where this is not possible, provide a text explanation of the functionality and guarantee an alternative text equivalent, as described in requirement no. 3.
The website uses a script to facilitate searching, if the scripts are disabled or not supported it is in any case possible to search the website.

Requirement 16


Guarantee that events managers which enable scripts, applets or other programming objects or possess their own specific interface, are independent from a specific input device.
The events managers used in the website are independent from input devices.

Requirement 17


Guarantee that the functionality and information carried by programming objects, objects which use technologies which are not defined by published formal grammar, scripts and applets are directly accessible.
It is guaranteed that the functionalities and information carried by programming objects are directly accessible.

Requirement 18


In the case of a film or multimedia presentation is indispensable to complete the information provided or service delivered, arranged for an equivalent text alternative, synchronised in the form of subtitles or voice description, or provide a summary or simple label for each video or multimedia element considering the level of importance and the difficulties linked to real time transmission.
The website does not contain films.

Requirement 19


Make the destination of each hypertext link clear with significant texts even when read independently from their context or associate to alternative links which possess similar explanatory characteristics, as well as arrange for mechanisms which allow the possibility to avoid repetitive reading of link sequences that are common to more than one page.
Each hypertext link possesses alternative texts which clarify its use.

Requirement 20


If to use the service delivered in a page a pre-set time is required to execute certain actions, the user must be explicitly warned, indicating the maximum time allowed to use the service.
No services with pre-set time intervals in which certain actions must be executed are foreseen.

Requirement 21


Make the links in a page to be selected or activated using the keyboard or keyboard emulation technologies or using cursors other than the mouse; to facilitate the selection or activation of a link it must be guaranteed that the vertical distance of lists of links and horizontal spacing between consecutive links is at least 0.5 em, the horizontal and vertical distances between the buttons of a module are at least 0.5 em and that the size of the buttons in a module must assure that the label on the buttons is clearly legible.
Some Access keys have been defined which offer access to a specific link by pressing a sequence of keys. In Windows this is obtained with the sequence: Alt + Access key and Enter, in Mac OS with the sequence Ctrl + Access key.
The website has a main menu at the top, and the following Access keys have been defined: 

  • Alt + h: return to HOME;
  • Alt + p: go to THE PROJECT section;
  • Alt + a: go to the PARTNERS section;
  • Alt + i: go to the INTRANET section;
  • Alt + b: go to the DATABASE section;
  • Alt + l: go to the USEFUL LINKS section;
  • Alt + d: go to the DOWNLOAD section;
  • Alt + n: go to the NEWS section.

The size of the text is 1em and the spaces between the different components of the website comply with the directives.

Requirement 22


For the pages of existing websites which cannot comply with the listed requirements (pages not accessible), during the first application provide a link to a page which complies with these requirements, providing information and equivalent functionalities to those given in the non-accessible page and updated with the same frequency, avoiding the creation of text-only pages; the link to the complying page must be shown clearly at the start of the non-accessible page.
The website was designed and implemented to be fully accessible, it is not necessary to provide links to other pages.

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