Interreg IV
Conference proceedings
Analysis and studies
Press Review
Schedule of Events

23.07.12 - Trends shapes, color and new markets for areas eyewear, knives and mobile.

July 1th, 2012 - Workshop. Communication Design.

11.21.2011: Seminar: Laboratory of colours andpresnetation of the first Sketches

18.11.11. Seminar. Colours, forms and dimensions for a successful product

20.01.12:: Ecodesign-workshop and presentation of the prototype „valet stand“

11.11.11 Seminar. Design and color: tools and instruments to develop a new product

28.07.11 - Conference papers of the project presentation

4.07.11 - Design and innovation: materials and coatings for wood furniture

Presentation event - Longarone

sala convegni con relatore e platea
Date of publication : 18/04/2011
Conference papers of the presentation event in Longarone.
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