Interreg IV
WP3 - Prototype development: Implementation of colour, material and finish experimental laboratories
This involves all the activities carried out with the companies, in which:
. the criteria and methods of eco-design and the principles of corporate social responsibility are transferred,
. colour and shape trends in the specific target sectors are analysed,
. the trend scenarios used as a basis for the first product sketches are identified,
. the first draft virtual models are developed.
Experimental laboratories will be set up and used by the companies to test conventional and innovative design support tools. The experimental colour laboratory focuses on the use of various colour systems and code tests on colours and finishes. In this laboratory, dynamic and customised support tools will be developed to allow companies to monitor product identity and optimise their own product ranges and colour management costs. A database will also be established together with samples of new conventional and eco-innovative materials and surface treatments used in the relative sectors. Those technically and economically most suited for production during the design phases are selected, also considering the environmental aspects. Finally, renderings and style models will be developed accompanied by colour/material/finish folders representing the summary of the results of the previous phases, and these will be assessed overall in terms of eco-design.
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European Union. European Regional Development Fund [ Attention. 
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